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"Helping you to connect the Global to the Local"

301/432-7512 P. O. Box 77, Middletown, MD 21713 (F) 301/432-7514

Joan M. Veon, Executive Director

Websight: www.womensgroup.org


In September, 1994 God prompted me to attend my first United Nations Conference in Cairo, Egypt. Up until that time I had no knowledge of the United Nations, the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund. I was not prepared for what I saw or experienced in Cairo which can only be termed "world government in operation." What was even more shocking was to see the level of advancement from which both the United Nations and the U.S. State Department operated. It is our State Department which pushed then and is pushing now the very radical United Nations-UN agenda. UN goals include the transfer of wealth from the North (that's us) to the South (poor, third world countries) and the complete integration of all the countries of the world into one which will be based on international law versus the national laws of individual countries.

I came home from Cairo mad. Where were the Christians? Where were the conservatives? (I have since found that the global agenda is bi-partisan). Why aren't the American people being told the truth about these conferences? In my quest to understand their program which is opposed to all that the Constitution and the United States flag stand for, I have attended over 23 UN and UN related conferences on four continents dealing with the social, economic and environment. I have asked questions of presidents and prime ministers, key facilitators in the United Nations, the World Bank, the Bank for International Settlements, and CEO's from multinational and transnational corporations. I have read over 2,500 pages of their documents. Needless to say, my life and purpose changed as a result of Cairo.

The Women's International Media Group, Inc. (TWIMG) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and provides educational materials and information to help you understand the global infrastructure and how it is being carried out on the local level in America. As a result of our research, we have:

1. Determined the origin of "sustainable development," the underlying philosophical foundation for the United Nations 1992 Rio Earth Summit called Agenda 21. Source: Chapter 2, Article 18 of the 1977 U.S.S.R. Constitution.

2. Identified that the "family dependency ratio" is how each household will be measured as to how much they produce and consume of the Earth's resources-- food, water, clothing, heat, etc. which will be measured as to how much they produce at work and at home in order to determine if they are adding back to the earth's resources or using them up. Source: Program of Action-Fourth Women's Conference and Maurice Strong, Secretary-General of the Rio Earth Summit.

3. Identified the real agenda of The Fourth Women's Conference to be world government. Of the more than 900 action items in their Programme of Action, 209 items dealt with components of world government such as economics, international law, sovereignty, and the UN, while 175 dealt with women's issues, a difference of 20%.

4. Identified the major trends and players in America who are changing our banking system to conform with other countries so that we can have a "cashless society." The current repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act which is the last wall which separates us from a world currency.

5. Tracked most of the global players on the economic level and how they are moving us towards a world currency, world stock exchange and a totally financially integrated world.

6. Discovered that the term "public-private partnership" is a way to change the governance, i.e. government by setting up a business arrangement-a partnership-between government (all levels, including foreign and the U.N.), business (all kinds), and the private sector--non-profits (such as the Nature Conservancy and other "land" type foundations and Joe-Average lawyer, school teacher, etc.).

7. Discovered a direct link between the royal family of Britain and the United Nations. Prince Charles has been working behind the scenes to facilitate and push the radical environmental agenda through sustainable development. In addition, he works with a group of transnational corporations setting up public-private partnerships around the world. One of the leading proponents of this new "rule" is Prince Charles and his Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum.

8. Identified legislation in Maryland called "Smart Growth and Rural Legacy," to be a fulfillment of the United Nations Conference on Biodiversity which will determine where people can and cannot live (to protect the animals and flowers). Over a period of time we will be only able to live in the "designated growth areas." Property rights will and are changing as a result of these laws which are model laws for the other 49 states!

The Women's International Media Group, Inc. is not a "one issue organization." We, as a result of our travels and research understand the environmental, economic, and social aspects of this insidious agenda to control all the assets and people of the world. Most politicians-from the school board officials to the mayor, county council members, state representatives, senators, and congressmen-are not able to grasp the real implications of what is going on because it defies the thinking of any red-blooded American. In order to preserve freedom, YOU must be able to explain it to them in a rational manner. This is our purpose. Join us by subscribing to our bi-monthly newsletter for a gift of $36.00 a year or by making a special donation. YOU are the answer. Will you stand in the gap? The time is NOW. Your first step to getting involved is to be informed. On the following pages are many fine materials to help you do so.

THE WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL MEDIA GROUP, INC. ---"Helping you to connect the global to the LOCAL"

Shipping and handling of $2.00 per book included in suggested gift amount with the exception of

Global Straitjacket and Tragedy and Hope due to size $3.50.

NEW BOOKS Suggested Gift Amount

______ Global Straitjacket - Joan Veon $23.50 U.S. $26.50 Foreign

Many have written about Y2K--what it is and how to prepare physically. This 400 plus page book explains how Y2K will fulfill the goals and objectives of the United Nations. In doing so, Joan Veon goes back and examines the controversial study entitled Report from Iron Mountain and shows how the United Nations agenda appears to fulfill the goals and objectives of that Report! She issues a challenge to Christians. The early church was birthed in world government while then end-time church can't recognize it! The only way for Christians to fulfill their God-given mandate to stand in the gap is to understand the agenda of world government! Numerous chronologies and over 25 charts to help "connect the dots."

______ Tragedy and Hope - Carroll Quigley $40.00 U.S. $45.00 Foreign

This 960 plus page book was written by Bill Clinton's mentor, Georgetown Professor Carroll Quigley to reveal to "the people" the truth about history and those who are working for world government. Quigley will dispel any ideas about the real truth of history as he writes about "what really happened behind the scenes. Banned by the establishment, it could only be published after he died. This is the "bible" of world government books and history!

______ Storming the Gates of Hell - Des Griffin $12.00 U.S. $12.00 Foreign

Des Griffin is one of the foremost authorities on world government having studied its agenda for over 42 years. A prolific author, his latest book is a culmination of his in-depth research. All the jumbled and apparently unintelligible maze of world history will fall into place as your read it.

______ Trilateral Over America - Anthony Sutton $12.00 U.S. $14.00 Foreign

The Trilateral Commission was created in 1973 by David Rockefeller, Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank as a plan to coordinate-- politically, economically, and industrially--the activities of the various governments in the Americas, Asia, and Europe to push towards the creation of the New World Order. Dr. Sutton, former Professor of Economics at California State University traces the activities of the Trilateral Commission from its inception to show the threat to national sovereignty. The Tri-lateral, along with the Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute for International Affairs, are all working towards world government. This book, along with Prince Charles and Secret Records Revealed provide a thrilling trilogy and great understanding.

______ Socialist Network - Nesta Webster $12.00 U.S. $14.00 Foreign

Most Americans cannot identify socialism if it hit them in the face because they don't know what it is and yet it is all around us! This book by Nesta Webster is the story of the birth and development of the socialist movement in Europe and Russia.

_____ World Revolution - Nesta Webster $13.00 U.S. $15.00 Foreign

Edited and brought up to date by Anthony Gittens, Nesta Webster's book not only catalogs historic events of the last 200 years but shows the causes for such events. She delves into history, going back to Adam Weishaupt in 1776. A very powerful book which will provide you with foundational history for understanding today's events!

______ Government by Decree - From President to Dictator Through Executive Orders by James L. Hirsen, Ph.D.

$ 5.00 U.S. $ 7.00 Foreign

President Clinton appears to have issued far more executive orders than any other president. Dr. Hirsen discusses how this tool has been abused and how it is restructuring the freedoms of Americans. A must for those who don't believe it could happen in America.

______ Secret Records Revealed Revised and Updated - Dr. Dennis Cuddy $14.00 U.S. $16.00 Foreign

Dr. Dennis Cuddy has done a brilliant job using a chronology format to show the evolution of the men, philosophy, and origin of world government as seen through the Rhodes Scholars, a program which was set up and funded by Cecil Rhodes.

______ Redeeming the Land by Gwen Shaw $12.00 U.S. $14.00 Foreign

Written by a former missionary to China, Gwen Shaw, this book will show you how to "redeem" the land by anointing the land with the same elements as what Jesus the Messiah gave us which is wine (grape juice) and bread. A very powerful book for the spiritually committed in how to "take back" the land for the Kingdom.


Suggested Gift Amount

____ Prince Charles the Sustainable Prince - Joan Veon $14.00 US $16.00 Foreign

This book reveals the direct connection between the British royal family and the United Nations System through the Rhodes Trusts and Scholarship. It also explains in depth sustainable development and public-private partnerships. In addition, it shows the current move to empower multinational and transnational corporations as well as the whole of the United Nations system by adding a "People's Chamber" to represent (you and I) through various chosen groups of the world. Lastly, it introduces you to the Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum and the transnational corporations which the Prince is working with to set up public-private partnerships on a global level (GOVERNMENT + BUSINESS = FASCISM). A must for those who want to act in their community!!!!

_______The Anglo-American Establishment - Dr. Carroll Quigley $16.00 US $18.00 Foreign

It was Dr. Carroll Quigley, Bill Clinton's mentor from Georgetown University who wrote about the diamond and gold magnate from South Africa, Cecil Rhodes, who dreamed of reuniting the United States back with Great Britain. Read about Quigley's narration of the events and people who have contributed to this agenda by supporting a call for the League of Nations which became the United Nations!

_____ The Principality and Power of Europe - Britain and the emerging Holy European Empire - Adrian Hilton $14.00 U.S. $16.00 Foreign

Written by a Briton for Britons, this book has interesting facts regarding the European Union, its real purpose and motive. It was Churchill who stated that the New World Order could not be unless there was a united Europe. This book provides valuable insight from a Christian perspective. Parallels are drawn from Babylon and other empires which wanted world government.


"Tyranny by Another Name - Protecting the Environment - The State of Maryland Paving the Way for the Demise of the Constitution" $ 5.00 U.S. $ 6.00 Foreign

This provides the reader with background on the environmental agenda, the UN Conference on Human Settlements, which called for public-private partnerships that are being used at the state level to transfer land from the rural areas into land banks and "land foundations." It also explains public-private partnerships. The two laws passed by Maryland, called "Smart Growth and Rural Legacy," constitute the United Nations Biodiversity Treaty which will designate where people can live all across Maryland (and subsequently America). These bills are model legislation for your state.


Suggested Gift Amount

__ "The New World Order, the Brits and YOU" - 2 - 58 minute presentations $25.00 U.S./$28.00 Foreign

These speeches cover the global economic infrastructure, the major players, the role of Prince Charles and the Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum, Agenda 21 (emphasis on Santa Cruz, CA), and sustainable development.

__________"The Economic Power of the New World Order" - $20.00 U.S./$25.00 Foreign

Presented in September, 1998 on the Asian crisis, the restructuring of the "New International Economic Order," the empowerment of the IMF/World Bank, and the give away of our banking, insurance, and brokerage system to the Federal Reserve. _ _______"Governing Globalization" - A Workshop from The World Economic Forum $25.00 U.S./$28.00 Foreign

As a result of the Asian crisis, the World Economic Forum wanted to know, "Are our international institutions up to the global challenge?" The panel consisted of Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations, Stanley Fischer, First Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, Donald J. Johnston, Secretary-General of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Renato Ruggerio, Director General of the World Trade Organization (WTO), and Seven Standstrom, Managing Director of the World Bank. Moderated by Maurice F. Strong, Secretary General of two environmental conferences, Executive Coordinator for UN Reform, Special Assistant to the President of the World Bank and founding member of the Earth Council.


All tapes are $10.00 which includes shipping

________ Interview with Texe Marrs on Prince Charles the Sustainable Prince

________ Second Amendment Rights with Bernadine Smith - Very Powerful

________ GOALS 2000: What it Means to the Family and your Children with Eleanor Campbell - 2 tapes ($18.00 both)

A must if you have children/grandchildren

__________ The Global Affect of Pornography with Dr. Judith Reisman, author of "Kinsey, Sex and Fraud"

________ Maryland Passes UN Biodiversity Treaty - Property Values to change - Tremendously important.

________ Gnosticism vs. Christianity - The Old Battle in UN Blue with Dr. Peter Jones

________ Regional Government - Maureen Heaton - A 50 year activist tells about how the U.S. has been divided into regions

________ The Brotherhood of Darkness - Dr. Stan Monteith - Overview of the New World Order and Masonry - Powerful



 __________ 1999 subscription - beginning January-February Gift: $36.00 for a yearly subscription

_________ 1998 Newsletters (six) Available for a gift of $18.00

ECONOMIC NEWSLETTERS - Offered through Veon Financial Services, Inc.

_________ The 1999 newsletters will begin with the December, 1999 newsletter which will be delayed

The September, 1999 newsletter will complete the subscription $30.00 a year

_________ The 1998 newsletters are offered at a reduced gift amount of $21. 00. They include:

Combined Issue: "Part 2: Economic Globalization, Glass Steagall, and the Dow"

October, 1997 - The Global Infrastructure + 1998 - A REAL BUY!!!

These newsletters discuss the individual players on the global economic level--the Bank for International

Settlements, the Federal Reserve, the International Organization of Security Commissions , the World Bank,

the International Monetary Fund and others. They also show how the repeal of the Glass-Steagall in the

United States is necessary in order for the world to have a cashless society.

Clip and mail
For all items with the exception of Veon Financial Services, Inc., make your check payable to THE WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL MEDIA GROUP, INC. FOR ANY OF THE ECONOMIC NEWSLETTERS, MAKE YOUR CHECK PAYABLE TO VEON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. Mail either or both checks to: The Women's Group, Inc., P. O. Box 77, MIDDLETOWN, MD 21769-0077 OR CALL 301/432-7512 TO PLACE YOUR ORDER BY MASTERCARD OR VISA.
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WEBSIGHT: www.womensgroup.org

The Women's International Media Group, Inc. is dedicated to providing you with information and appropriate materials so that you can determine what you need to do to preserve freedom. Our motto is "Helping you connect the global to the local." Our bi- monthly newsletter, "UN WATCH!" is available for a gift of $36.00 per year. All information is fresh and a result of research, interviews, UN and UN related conferences and current events. The Women's International Media Group, Inc. is an educational, non-profit 501(c)(3) registered in the State of Maryland. 

P. O. Box 77
Middletown, MD 21769-0077