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"Helping you to connect the Global to the Local"

301/432-7512 P. O. Box 77, Middletown, MD 21769 (F) 301/432-7514

Joan M. Veon, Executive Director

Websight: www.womensgroup.org


In September, 1994 God prompted me to attend my first United Nations Conference in Cairo, Egypt. Up until that time I had no knowledge of the United Nations, the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund. I was not prepared for what I saw or experienced in Cairo which can only be termed "world government in operation." What was even more shocking was to see the level of advancement from which both the United Nations and the U.S. State Department operated. It is our State Department which pushed then and is pushing now the very radical United Nations-UN agenda. UN goals include the transfer of wealth from the North (that's us) to the South (poor, third world countries) and the complete integration of all the countries of the world into one which will be based on international law versus the national laws of individual countries.

I came home from Cairo mad. Where were the Christians? Where were the conservatives? (I have since found that the global agenda is bi-partisan). Why aren't the American people being told the truth about these conferences? In my quest to understand their program which is opposed to all that the Constitution and the United States flag stand for, I have attended over 23 UN and UN related conferences on four continents dealing with the social, economic and environment. I have asked questions of presidents and prime ministers, key facilitators in the United Nations, the World Bank, the Bank for International Settlements, and CEO's from multinational and transnational corporations. I have read over 2,500 pages of their documents. Needless to say, my life and purpose changed as a result of Cairo.

The Women's International Media Group, Inc. (TWIMG) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and provides educational materials and information to help you understand the global infrastructure and how it is being carried out on the local level in America. As a result of our research, we have:

  1. Determined the origin of "sustainable development," the underlying philosophical foundation for the United Nations 1992 Rio Earth Summit called Agenda 21. Source: Chapter 2, Article 18 of the 1977 U.S.S.R. Constitution.
  2. Identified that the "family dependency ratio" is how each household will be measured as to how much they produce and consume of the Earth's resources-- food, water, clothing, heat, etc. which will be measured as to how much they produce at work and at home in order to determine if they are adding back to the earth's resources or using them up. Source: Program of Action-Fourth Women's Conference and Maurice Strong, Secretary-General of the Rio Earth Summit.
  3. Identified the real agenda of The Fourth Women's Conference to be world government. Of the more than 900 action items in their Programme of Action, 209 items dealt with components of world government such as economics, international law, sovereignty, and the UN, while 175 dealt with women's issues, a difference of 20%.
  4. Identified the major trends and players in America who are changing our banking system to conform with other countries so that we can have a "cashless society." The current repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act which is the last wall which separates us from a world currency.
  5. Tracked most of the global players on the economic level and how they are moving us towards a world currency, world stock exchange and a totally financially integrated world.
  6. Discovered that the term "public-private partnership" is a way to change the governance, i.e. government by setting up a business arrangement-a partnership-between government (all levels, including foreign and the U.N.), business (all kinds), and the private sector--non-profits (such as the Nature Conservancy and other "land" type foundations and Joe-Average lawyer, school teacher, etc.).
  7. Discovered a direct link between the royal family of Britain and the United Nations. Prince Charles has been working behind the scenes to facilitate and push the radical environmental agenda through sustainable development. In addition, he works with a group of transnational corporations setting up public-private partnerships around the world. One of the leading proponents of this new "rule" is Prince Charles and his Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum.
  8. Identified legislation in Maryland called "Smart Growth and Rural Legacy," to be a fulfillment of the United Nations Conference on biodiversity which will determine where people can and cannot live (to protect the animals and flowers). Over a period of time we will be only able to live in the "designated growth areas." Property rights will and are changing as a result of these laws which are model laws for the other 49 states!
The Women's International Media Group, Inc. is not a "one issue organization." We, as a result of our travels and research understand the environmental, economic, and social aspects of this insidious agenda to control all the assets and people of the world. Most politicians-from the school board officials to the mayor, county council members, state representatives, senators, and congressmen-are not able to grasp the real implications of what is going on because it defies the thinking of any red-blooded American. In order to preserve freedom, YOU must be able to explain it to them in a rational manner. This is our purpose. Join us by subscribing to our bi-monthly newsletter for a gift of $36.00 a year or by making a special donation. YOU are the answer. Will you stand in the gap? The time is NOW. Your first step to getting involved is to be informed. Here is a list of some items available to get you started.